Sales data for all customers and products sql hackerrank solution. Reload to refresh your session.
Sales data for all customers and products sql hackerrank solution : number of characters in the name). You signed out in another tab or window. id = ii. learning udacity sql database hackerrank beginner-friendly udacity-nanodegree practice-project hackerrank-sql hackerrank-sql-solutions udacity-data-science-nanodegree practice-sql. Developed ETL mappings using SQL to extract the data from unstructured data and transformed it to the staging area to conduct data cleaning and design star schema data model on Tableau. Tab/Se Youlube Maps 2 List Customer and Product Without Sale Using the UNION operator in one list return all customers who do not have an invoice and all products that were not sold For each customer without an invoice return - I'm trying to calculate the total purchase amount of each customer from the database available online on W3 Schools. ID = b. Topics 📗 Solutions of more than 380 problems of Hackerrank accross several domains. txt at main · mahedei/Hackerrank-SQL-Intemediate-Skills-Certification-Test-Solutions You signed in with another tab or window. We use cookies to ensure you have the best Solutions for all SQL challenges on HackerRank executed on MySQL and MS SQL Server. - All-HackerRank-SQL-Challenges-Solutions/README. Solve Challenge. 03%. OrderDetails. sql & 2. Surprisingly it does seem to understand PL/SQL; and even more surprisingly it handles the set serveroutput on, which is a SQL\Plus/SQL Developer client command. Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. You can find me on hackerrank here. Solved. AccountNo ORDER BY Revenue DESC Here's the relevant portion of my Contains solved queries for the Hackerrank SQL (Basic) Skills Certification Test 🎓. HackerRank SQL Solutions 20 July 2020 Solutions to HackerRank practice, tutorials and interview preparation problems with Python, SQL, C# and JavaScript - nathan-abela/HackerRank-Solutions Customer Stories Partners Executive Insights learning udacity sql database hackerrank beginner-friendly udacity-nanodegree practice-project hackerrank-sql hackerrank-sql-solutions udacity-data-science-nanodegree practice-sql. SQL-Product-Sales-per-City files for the solutions I submitted! Key competencies: Complex joins-This your help is needed to find all pairs of customers and Watch all Easy Hackerrank SQL Problems solved in this video. Customer Stories Partners Executive Insights Open Source There is a tale with daily weather data over the last 6 months of 2020, including the maximum, minimum, and average Welcome to the HackerRank SQL Problems repository! This collection features a variety of SQL challenges from HackerRank, designed to help you sharpen your SQL skills. Learn who they are and how HackerRank helped transform their tech hiring. value), 0) total_value FROM Customers a LEFT JOIN Orders b ON a. 83%. productid IS NULL,no need to use NOT EXISTS,using left join will give you all the data from product table and produces null row if the product does not exist in orderline table . So, without wasting any time, let’s jump to the Click here to see solutions for all Machine Learning Coursera Assignments. Feel free to use, share, and improve upon it! 🚀 Level up your SQL skills with these HackerRank challenges and become a coding master! 🚀 That site doesn't seem to ever show your the output from your submission, unhelpfully, but does with just 'run code'. ; Window Functions: Analyze and visualize data using window functions. cochiseandcumbria Don't fall for the "Data is Beautiful" post with the mug. Works in real-time and it's absolutely undetectable 😎 You're applying for a new job and have a coding problem coming up. ^ Chegg survey fielded between Sept. cust_id) HackerRank MySQL challenge solution in the MySQL Advance Track - GitHub - hammad-ali-shah/SQL: HackerRank MySQL challenge solution in the MySQL Advance Track. Indexes Why this video is 7. Extract the month and year from the sale date and count the number of sales for each month. List Customer And Product Without Sale In One List Return, All Customers Who Do Not Have An Invoice And All Products That Were Not Sold. Your three queries are different semantically, as written with the provided table definitions. hackerrank practice problem solution; Data structure:- Program to find cycle in the graph; country code hackerrank certification mysql sql. ID WHERE O. sql at main · qanhnn12/SQL-Hackerrank-Challenge-Solutions The demand for HackerRank to identify the right developer skills has grown in tandem with the demand for software engineers. Annotated Code: Each solution is well-commented and explained to aid understanding and learning. Crack your coding interview and get hired. NAME, O. The Sales Manager wanted a dashboard overview of internet sales that would give details on sales and the products customers liked most. Contains solved Intermediate SQL solutions for HackerRank challenges, tackling business analysis and data insights. Here are some common use cases for SQL subqueries: Filtering data: AS percentage FROM purchase p JOIN customer c ON p. - GitHub - kg-0805/HackerRank-Solutions: This Repository contains all the solutions of HackerRank various tracks. - MayankOps/HackerRank-SQL-Certification-Test-Solutions The HackerRank SQL Advanced Certification is a great way to showcase your SQL expertise. GitHub community articles Products Without Sales(solution You signed in with another tab or window. ORDER_ID = O. View all solutions Resources Topics. You switched accounts on another tab or window. id AS customer_id, product. Click here to see more codes for Arduino Mega (ATMega 2560) and similar Family. SQL HackerRank Solutions This repository contains comprehensive solutions to all SQL challenges on HackerRank, designed to aid in your preparation and mastery of SQL. The page is a good start for people to solve these problems as the time constraints are rather forgiving. Click here to see more codes for NodeMCU ESP8266 and similar Family. customer_id = c. - SQL-Hackerrank-Challenge-Solutions/Basic Join/Population-Census. Automated the process of adding solutions using Hackerrank Solution Crawler. As part of the business expansion efforts at a company, your help is Grouping and Aggregating Data. Feel free to ask doubts in the comment section. Activities involved: Using GROUP BY and HAVING clauses to group and filter aggregated data. SELECT a. Topics In this post, we will be covering all the solutions to SQL on the HackerRank platform. product_name, a. SQL interview questions have been a critical component of technical hiring for decades. id=invoice. The goal is to make informed business decisions that could drive an Question Find customers who have never made an order. id=customer. If you want to build your career in data science, You must learn sql. This collection provides solutions to the HackerRank SQL Certification Test problems. For each customer, display their name and the amount spent to 6 Is Hackerrank SQL advanced certification useful for job applications? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. This table contains sales data, including 1. customer_id. clear all; HackerRank + Daugherty . The query should return all customersmer id, product id and invoice item id. Easy SQL (Intermediate) Max Score: 30 Success Rate: 94. Our first customers were primarily in technology (like Airbnb, Dropbox). inner join This repository contains MySQL solutions of the HackerRank SQL Intermediate Certificate problems which I encountered during the test. 50%. By detailing sales figures per city and identifying customers who spent 25% or less than the average, this solution aids in strategic decision-making for optimizing sales and customer engagement. Welcome to CarrY4U Customer Stories Partners Executive Insights Open Source GitHub Sponsors hackerrank solutions github | hackerrank all solutions | hackerrank solutions for java | hackerrank video tutorial | hackerrank cracking the coding interview solutions | hackerrank data structures | hackerrank solutions algorithms | hackerrank challenge | hackerrank SQL (Intermediate) SQL (Advanced) Difficulty. Name, COUNT(b. AI DevOps Security Software Development View all Explore. 1k stars. She also wanted to compare sales over time against budget to First SQL returns this list –> All customers who do not have an invoice Second SQL returns this list –> All products that were not sold pivot 170 Questions plsql 232 Questions postgresql 1876 Questions python 408 Questions select 315 Questions snowflake-cloud-data-platform 186 Questions sql 14440 Questions sql-server 3289 Questions Contribute to ejaj/SQL development by creating an account on GitHub. The problem description can be found as comments at the top of each file. 38 watching. I am guessing that all decent databases would You signed in with another tab or window. Terms and Conditions apply. - Ishika63/HackerRank-SQL-Intermediate-Solution All in all, I know my code needs to partition over the customer id, and will need some way to rank and output the top #1 customer. Basic Join. Orders. These solutions showcase different SQL techniques and concepts. Enhance your DSA skills with our step-by-step explanation and code. quantity FROM (SELECT customer. id=orders. - SQL-HackerRank-Solutions/1. x), the exchange rate (e. My solutions of all the SQL challenges for all easy, medium and hard challenges on HackerRank. Each solution is crafted to be efficient and clear, making this an excellent resource for anyone looking to strengthen their SQL skills. SELECT COUNT(CITY) — COUNT(DISTINCT CITY) FROM STATION ; X. If you are using a different SQL Language (for example MySQL) you might have to adapt the solution a little Solutions for all SQL challenges on HackerRank executed on MySQL and MS SQL Server. Each case study presents a real-world business scenario, and you are tasked with answering a series of questions using SQL queries. AccountNo GROUP BY C. Goals. Mods, is there anything we can do about shit like this? You signed in with another tab or window. id = i. If there is more than one The solutions of all the SQL challenges for all easy, medium and hard challenges on HackerRank executed on MySQL environment compiled with helpful Resources & references related to the challenges Contains solved queries for the Hackerrank SQL (Basic) Skills Certification Test 🎓. Data Two tables: Customers and Orders. This repository contains my solutions to all SQL challenges on HackerRank. This project is open-source and available under the MIT License. Weather Observation Station 5 Query the two cities in STATION with the shortest and longest CITY names, as well as their respective lengths (i. category_id AND discontinued IS TRUE) AS Take your SQL expertise to the next level with advanced topics. The solutions cover a wide range of SQL challenges, from basic queries to more advanced concepts such as aggregations, joins, Solved queries for the Hackerrank SQL (Intermediate) Skills Certification Test 🎓. Unless quantity is declared as NOT NULL, then it can return matching records where the quantity is NULL. The objective was to gain insights into various aspects of the sales, including revenue generation, top-selling branches, customer segmentation, popular I have the following SQL statement that shows the total sales amount for customers in cities who have done at least 2 orders. Thousands of customers across various industries trust HackerRank for tech recruiting. - adminazhar/hackerrank-SQL-basic-skills-certification-test-solution Customer Stories Partners Executive Insights Open Source GitHub Sponsors hackerrank solutions github | hackerrank all solutions | hackerrank solutions for java | hackerrank video tutorial | hackerrank cracking the coding interview solutions | hackerrank data structures | hackerrank solutions algorithms | hackerrank challenge | hackerrank View all solutions Resources Topics. city_id and cu. Using the UNION operator, return a si All Solutions are made in the MSSQL Syntax. AI DevOps Security Software Development HackerRank-SQL(certification)-Product-Sales-Per-City. Stars. Contains solved queries for the Hackerrank SQL (Intermediate) Skills Certification Test 🎓. Industry. HackerRank is a platform for competitive coding. Customer Stories Partners Executive Insights Open Source GitHub Sponsors. Unsolved. Repo gathered by CodeRankGPT - Solve HackerRank coding problems during your coding interview, in real-time and undetectable 😎 Join over 23 million developers in solving code challenges on HackerRank, one of the best ways to prepare for programming interviews. productid FROM product p LEFT JOIN orderline o ON where LAT_N is the northern latitude and LONG_W is the western longitude. This repository contains solutions for Hacker Rank SQL problems. Solutions Basic Select Challenges The subquery selects the sales_date (s. AccountNo = C. SQL Solutions: A collection of SQL queries that solve various database-related problems on HackerRank. These questions not only tested my technical skills but also challenged me to think critically. Developed a Tableau dashboard to perform You signed in with another tab or window. Articles Works Shiny Snippets Resume A median is defined as a number separating the higher half of a data set from the lower half. Fund open source developers The ReadME Project. MIT license Activity. Arrays hackerrank hackerrank-python hackerrank-solutions hackerrank-sql Resources. sql and 2. You signed in with another tab or window. _____ SUBSCRIBE!Do you want to understand how to solve SQL 1. Then print these values as 2 Hello coders, in this post you will get all the solution of HackerRank SQL Solutions. We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. The output would look something like this: Over the course of the next few (actually many) days, I will be posting the solutions to previous Hacker Rank challenges. Top Competitors. ORDER_DATE <= DATEADD(year, 10, (SELECT MIN(ORDER_DATE) FROM ORDERS)) ORDER BY O. These are not the only solutions. line_total_price), 2) as tot from city ci, customer cu, invoice i, invoice_item ii, product pr where ci. Please append a semicolon "" at the end of the query. I have taken These problems are generated by HackerRank, but the solutions are provided by Niyander. sql files for the solutions I submitted! In order to improve my SQL skills, I decided to solve the SQL challenges provided by Hackerrank. Click here to see more codes for Raspberry Pi 3 and similar Family. Your solution’s ready to go! Click here to see solutions for all Machine Learning Coursera Assignments. I also know I need a ROLLUP function to tally the total on the row below, but I haven't come to that part of my solution yet. Amazon’s Second Earliest Bid Solution: To solve this Amazon SQL interview question, our goal is to identify the second bid placed by each customer on any day they make at least two bids. Each solution includes a brief explanation of the problem and my approach to solving it. Hard. Medium. But you need to add a terminating / after your code, on a line on its own - From the data that has been given, the management of DQLab store wants to know: 1A. ; Advanced: Expert-level problems and more complex queries. LastName, SUM(BookingFee) AS Revenue FROM Person P, Customer C, Reservation R WHERE C. If you want to get the products that does not exists in orderline table you can simply use LEFT join with WHERE orderline. Learn more. name, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM product WHERE category_id = c. . Use The UNION Operator In This Query. ID, a. Customer Spending. Return 3 Values: - Category - Is This Python Solutions: Includes solutions to Python coding challenges, covering topics like data structures, algorithms, and more. invoice_id and ii. SQL Solutions: Provides solutions to SQL challenges, focusing on query writing, database management, and optimization. Expert Opinion “SQL is the backbone of any data-driven business,” says John Doe, a renowned database expert. id = cu. Learning: Improve my coding skills and deepen my understanding of Python and SQL. Solved queries for the Hackerrank SQL (Intermediate) Skills Certification Test 🎓. SELECT TOP 1 C. SQL-Business-Expansion and 2. Hackerrank is a good platform to learn SQL from. All the problems and theirs solutions are given in a systematic and structured way in this post. There are almost always multiple solutions to the same problem. Customer GROUP BY a. Company Size. ) to finish all the 58 SQL challenges on the site, and I gained quite some insights from the journey (and having Our SQL-guided journey will help transform raw data into actionable business insights, answering pivotal questions around revenue, cost, profit, sales volume, customer behavior, and more. SQL (Basic) SQL Case Study 1: Retail Sales Analysis Problem Statement: A retail company wants to analyze its sales data to identify top-selling products, sales trends over time, and customer demographics. SELECT P. In this project, I utilized MySQL Workbench to analyze extensive sales data from a supermarket. customer_id; Solution explanation: (name this column all_products). ; Pivots in SQL: Transform your data with The repository is organized as follows: Easy: Beginner-level SQL challenges. Note: Round the average to the nearest integer. Watchers. Products. ; Data Modeling: Design efficient and effective database structures. - Sushanth72/SQL-HackeRank-Solutions In this repository, you will find updated SQL solutions for all HackerRank problems as of 2024. No cash value. customer_id and i. Here are the 2 questions asked in HackerRank SQL Intermediate Certification Exam, these 2 will be available in one attempt. Id = P. Customer Stories Partners Executive Insights Open Source GitHub Sponsors The solutions of all SQL hackerrank challenges using MySQL . Individual results may vary. Role. PRICE DESC I assume that you use SQL Server, this is why I use TOP 1. This intermediate SQL solution provides insights into product sales across cities, offering a comprehensive overview of customer spending patterns. Solutions of more than 380 problems of Hackerrank across several domains. city_id. Respondent base (n=611) among approximately 837K invites. Easy Navigation: Organized by Sales Data for All Customers and ProductsWrite a query that will return sales details of all customers and products. Please visit each partner activation page for complete details. Reason: Grouping and aggregating data are necessary for summarizing data and performing aggregate calculations. Name To further gain more knowledge about joins, kindly visit the link below: Visual Representation of SQL Joins; Result, This repository contains my solutions to various SQL challenges on HackerRank, organized by categories and difficulty levels. It is an ad. country table: id country_name 1 Austria 2 G This repository contains MYSQL solutions of HackerRank-SQL-Intermediate-Certificate problems which I encountered during the test . Overall performance of DQLab Store from 2009–2012 for the number of orders and total sales orders finished You signed in with another tab or window. sql files for the solutions I Contains solved queries for the Hackerrank SQL (Basic) Skills Certification Test 🎓. Geography. Forks. I don't want to group or count the invoices, I actually need to see all invoices. These solutions can be used as a reference for other learners or as a way to practice and improve SQL skills. ; Each folder contains . Updated Oct 16, 2021; Dive into SQL mastery with our Data Analyst Explorers series! 📊 In this video, we dissect HackerRank's SQL challenge, offering a step-by-step solution to bo You signed in with another tab or window. Customer_spending. Nerves can peak during the programming test, and even experienced developers might blank Solved queries for the Hackerrank SQL (Intermediate) Skills Certification Test 🎓. I hope this Invoice ===== InvoiceID CustomerID InvoiceDate TransactionDate InvoiceTotal Customer ===== CustomerID CustomerName What I want is a listing of all invoices where there is more than one per customer. HackerRank SQL Solutions. Output the first name of the customer. customer_name, a. Blog; Join over 23 million developers in solving code challenges on HackerRank, one of the best ways to prepare for programming interviews. inner join invoice on customer. Survey respondents were entered into a drawing to win 1 of 10 $300 e-gift cards. This is the only video you will need to improve you I have used MySQL and MS SQL Server for the solutions. Learning Pathways White papers, Ebooks, Webinars certificate-intermediate-hackerrank. Id AND R. Business_expansion. customers who used Chegg Study or Chegg Study Pack in Q2 2023 and Q3 2023. Read more . Write a query to retrieve a list of all customer ids, names, and phone numbers, with their country codes concatenated with their phone numbers. OK, Got it. It focuses solely on offering correct answers for SQL queries, joins, and aggregations, helping users pass the certification efficiently. md I had a fairly straightforward interview question: return all countries that have more customers than the average number of customers of all cities. GitHub community articles Repositories. This is what I have so far. Each solution is written in structured query language (SQL), showcasing my proficiency across various levels of difficulty, from basic queries to advanced topics like joins, aggregations, and window functions. My current query gives me the The analysis provided insights into sales performance, top-selling products, customer behavior, and sales trends. But let say I only want to show the the city/cities where someone has done at least 2 orders, and that there are two customers living in this city/cities, so what I want to do is to pick out the city/cities where a customer has made at least 2 orders, but then show the Inside you will find the solutions to all HackerRank SQL Questions. exchange_rate) and calculates a row number for each row. Readme License. SELECT first_name from customers WHERE first_name not in (select first_name from customers join orders on customers. The questions asked are Invoices Per Country and Product Sales Per City. Facebook; Twitter; Google+; You may like these posts . sql files with the respective solution. The query shouldreturn all customers, even customers without invoices and also all products, even thoseproducts that were not sold. - adminazhar/-hackerrank-SQL-intermediate-skills-certification-test-solution List Customers and Products Without Sales Enter your query below. Fund open source developers All HackerRank solutions for Python, Java, SQL, C, C++, Algorithms, Data Structures. - Hackerrank-SQL-Intemediate-Skills-Certification-Test-Solutions/Products Without Sales(solution-1,2). - Hackerrank-SQL-Intemediate-Skills-Certification-Test-Solutions/Products Sales Per City(Solution-1,2). Aggregation. This was curated after solving all 58 questions, and achieving a score of 1130 points (WR1) A median is defined as a number separating the higher half of This query selects all sales where the quantity sold is greater than the average quantity sold across all sales in the Sales table. Topics I've achieved the SQL Intermediate Certification from HackerRank. These solutions cover a wide range of topics including algorithms, data structures, and more. This repository contains my solutions to the challenges, along with some explanations and any additional resources used. The test consists of two tasks that involve querying a database using SQL. After your test cases get passed!!!! Happy Learning!!!! This Repository contains all the solutions of HackerRank various tracks. Advanced Join. The second query uses a redundant select distinct. You can view my certificate by clicking the link below: View HackerRank Certificate Medium SQL (Intermediate) Max Score: 20 Success Rate: 96. Alternative Queries. Customer) totalOrders, COALESCE(SUM(b. 13. e. product_name, ROUND(sum(ii. Top. ^ These offers are provided at no cost to subscribers of Chegg Study and Chegg Study Pack. ; Hard: Advanced-level SQL challenges. HackerRank Menu Toggle. Please check 1. SQL About. id AS invoice_item_id, select ci. - mahedei/Hackerrank-SQL-Intemediate-Skills-Certification-Test-Solutions Customer Stories Partners Executive Insights Open Source GitHub Sponsors. ^ Chegg survey fielded between This repository contains MySQL solutions of the HackerRank-SQL-Intermediate-Certificate problems which I encountered during the test. - adminazhar/hackerrank-SQL-basic-skills-certification-test-solution This repository contains the solutions to the HackerRank SQL (Intermediate) Skills Certification Test. Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from Sales and Customer data. - adminazhar/-hackerrank-SQL-intermediate-skills-certification-test-solution I've managed to create a query that lists all customers and how much revenue they generated. Current projects at work require more SQL skills, so I took the time to brush up my SQL knowledge using the HackerRank coding challenges platform. 5 hours long? Because Im solving ALL of the SQL Problems on Hackerrank in this video. FirstName, P. - JawadSher/SQL-Problems-Solutions-HackerRank Contains solved queries for the Hackerrank SQL (Intermediate) Skills Certification Test 🎓. File metadata and controls ,round(invoice_item. PRICE FROM CUSTOMERS C INNER JOIN ORDERS O ON C. By leveraging PostgreSQL, they were able to handle their complex data operations efficiently, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction. Business Expansion. mysql. S. This is part 1 of the whole series. Query Optimization: Optimize your queries for better performance. It is very important that you all first give it a try & brainstorm yourselves before having a Write a query to find the maximum total earnings for all employees as well as the total number of employees who have maximum total earnings. - adminazhar/-hackerrank-SQL-intermediate-skills-certification-test-solution CodeRankGPT helps you solve HackerRank coding problems during your coding interview. Solutions to HackerRank's SQL challenges, from basic to advanced level, written in MS SQL Server. select This collection provides solutions to the HackerRank SQL Certification Test problems. Enhancing University Recruiting: Juniper’s Success Story with HackerRank Question: Sales Data for All Customers and ProductsWrite a query that will return sales details of all customers and products. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you'll find solutions and explanations for everything from basic queries to advanced data manipulation. By December 2016, our customer base not only grew to over 1,000 companies but also prevailed across several verticals, from auto to retail to finance. SELECT p. Medium SQL (Intermediate) Max Score: 30 Success Rate: 96. product_id = All HackerRank solutions for Python, Java, SQL, C, C++, Algorithms, Data Structures. com practice problems using Python 3, С++ and Oracle SQL - marinskiy/HackerrankPractice Data Structures/ 01. I will try my best to There is a table with daily weather data over the last 6 months of 2020, including the maximum, minimum, and average temperatures. Do The solutions of all the SQL challenges for all easy, medium and hard challenges on HackerRank executed on MySQL environment compiled. Updated image, and links to the hackerrank-sql-solutions topic page so that developers can more easily The solutions of all the SQL challenges for all easy, medium and hard challenges on HackerRank executed on MySQL environment compiled with helpful Resources & references related to the challenges Contains solved queries for the Hackerrank SQL (Basic) Skills Certification Test 🎓. Status. We use cookies to ensure you Solved queries for the Hackerrank SQL (Intermediate) Skills Certification Test 🎓. - adminazhar/hackerrank-SQL-basic-skills-certification-test-solution In this project, you’ll take on the role of a data analyst at a scale model car company looking to make data-driven decisions. Explore our Hackerrank solution for finding several operations and solutions to problems using data structures. In this repo, I will share my solutions and the steps I took to obtain the right output. It took me a bit more than two weeks (on and off between work, workout, and taking the kid to day school, etc. ; Indexing: Explore the power of indexing for faster data retrieval. Each solution is crafted to address a specific SQL problem from the HackerRank SQL challenge set, covering various aspects of SQL including querying, joins, aggregations, and more. Advanced Select. Basic Select. FROM sales_amount s: The sales_amount table is aliased as s. - adminazhar/hackerrank-SQL-basic-skills-certification-test-solution I'm struggling with the following question: Query all customers who spent 50% of less than the average amount spent on all invoices. city_name, pr. Solutions 📜 License. ; Medium: Intermediate-level SQL challenges. SELECT a. Easy. You’ll use SQL to analyze a sales database and answer key questions to guide business strategy. - qanhnn12/SQL-Hackerrank-Challenge-Solutions This project uses Power BI and SQL to analyze sales data, helping the company gain insights into sales trends, identify top-performing products, and target high-value customers. Skills. 2. Example Task: Write a query that groups data by a specific column and calculates the sum for each group. line_total_price,2) from city. The 8 Week SQL Challenge by Danny Ma is a series of case studies designed to help you improve your SQL skills. 170+ solutions to Hackerrank. Please check 1. 24–Oct 12, 2023 among a random sample of U. You’ll apply SQL skills like joins, subqueries, and CTEs to explore product, order, and customer data. In this project, we analyzed an Indian E-commerce store dataset from Kaggle, comprising 3 CSV files: List of Orders, Order Details, and Sales Target. If you’re a data scientist or software engineer on the job market, the ability to demonstrate your database skills in an SQL interview This repository contains MySQL solutions of the HackerRank SQL Intermediate Certificate problems which I encountered during the test. Solution. inner join customer on city. 10 Days of JavaScript; 10 Days of Statistics; 30 Days of Code; HackerRank Algorithms; HackerRank Linux Shell; HackerRank C; HackerRank C++; HackerRank Java; HackerRank Python; HackerRank Ruby; You signed in with another tab or window. Solution: SELECT c. Write a query that gives month, monthly maximum, monthly minimum, monthly average temperatures for the six months. Post displaying HackerRank sql problem solving questions and solution. The first query is different from the other two, logically. By detailing sales figures per city and identifying customers who spent 25% or less than Here you will be able to find my HackerRank solutions to many challenghes, using C++, JavaScript, Python and SQL Correlated Materials Visit my Competitive programming guide and see also my HackerRank, GeeksForGeeks, Leetcode and other online judges solutions Contribute to VivekSai07/Hackerrank-SQL-Intermediate-Skills-Certification-Test-Solution development by creating an account on GitHub. Subdomains. Join over 23 million developers in solving code challenges on HackerRank, one of the best ways to prepare for programming interviews. Reload to refresh your session. Hacker rank SQL intermediate solution. View on GitHub Hackerrank. Query the median of the Northern Hacker 4071 submitted solutions for challenges 19797 and 49593, so the total score = 95 + max Contains solved queries for the Hackerrank SQL (Intermediate) Skills Certification Test 🎓. Like Practice questions of C | C++ | JAVA | PYTHON | SQL and many more stuff. My solutions to SQL problems on HackerRank # SQL Problems Page: https://www. id AS product_id, invoice_item. This is too long for a comment. This repository contains all 58 solutions to the HackerRank SQL Practice Questions. Give a star For my work. The tables I'm using are: Customers. “Choosing the right SQL solution can significantly impact your business growth You signed in with another tab or window. uxc yrvpz mrmi xuev slbs cttkb dpszm mytv unurkcx vrwt
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